Jack Lousma famous Apollo 13 Capcom handwritten transcript
Article No.: 11i525
Stunning professional Ilford b/w 22''x17'' glossy mat finish photo of the damaged Apollo 13 Service module taken shortly after the crew separated before reentry.
Handsigned and annotated by Apollo 13 Capcom Lousma with the complete transcript of the one of the most famous space conversations :
055:55:19 Lovell: ...Houston...
055:55:28 Lousma: This is Houston. Say again, please.
055:55:35 Lovell: [Garble.] Ah, Houston, we've had a problem. We've had a Main B Bus Undervolt.
055:55:42 Lousma: Roger. Main B Undervolt. [Long pause.]
Offered for the first time !
Absolut mint condition - perfect to mat and frame !
This could be the centerpiece of any Apollo 13 collection.